Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Runner's High and Loose Skin.

Hey Blog2,

So anyway, I've been doing my jogs very consistently lately. Been getting six mile jogs in everyday and an eight in on fridays (which I'm going to be increasing next week). Except I don't run on Saturdays, or on Sundays. I've also been keeping up with my weight training, core strengthening, and in doing Spartacus. Although, Spartacus has been kind of suffering lately due to time frames and stuff. But, I'm still on the wagon and it's helping a lot to tone.

So, today I had the coolest feeling while I was running. I've felt this before, but never as cool feeling as I did today. I was running, and suddenly I got this rush and I felt like I could run forever. It was really cool, my body was feeling great, my legs felt light and I was ready to keep running on and on. I thought it felt really cool, and I'm starting to look forward to all of my runs now instead. If I don't get a run in, I feel distraught and depressed. I think they're the real binding factor when it comes to my exercise right now.

In my honest opinion, I feel like I could just do running. But, I know that I need strength, so myself and my good friend Scotsman (I'm going to call him that for now) have been lifting weights every tuesday and thursday. I can say that without his help, I'd be nowhere in terms of my lifting. He has been my spotter and helped me push beyond my limits, which has left me getting stronger and more tone. I've got pecs! WHAT?!


I really do appreciate all of the help he's give me. I'm glad he's jumping onto the wagon with me and we're on kind of a path to become champs. He's already really buff though, he is just reclaiming his former glory is what I call it. It is really cool to not have to go at it alone either.


So, in the title, I put loose skin, which is gross. Yeah, that's my problem right now as things stand. You see, I've been chubby my entire life, and so... when I lost sixty pounds over the last six to eight months all of that skin had to go somewhere. Well, it didn't go anywhere really... it kind of just stuck around. Since my body isn't really attuned to me being fit... it let all that skin kind of just chill there. So now it's all stupid and flab like... it's kind of gross when you think about it... and depict it in the way I did.

For the longest time, I thought it was fat, and then Scotsman pointed out to me that it was actually loose skin just sitting there. I was super disappointed... and distraught. Well, I do have a new found idea though, that I can get rid of it with hard work. Scotsman pointed out that it would take me about four months, but I decided I want to try and do it in two and a half. I even decided that for that time, I wont cut my hair, or shave till then (though... I think I'll probably cave and shave at least... it's really annoying). What I mean is, I wont cut my hair till I get tone in the mid-rif at least.

I do want to just tone all around though, but I really just want to get rid of the loose skin. It's gross... and I've got a lot of muscle and tone already built up from months of doing crunches and stuff. It's just taking a lot of time for my body to get use to not being... well... fat! Ha.

All in all, I just need time to get rid of this stuff. I'll get there eventually, I'm happy I'm more fit and healthier and stuff. In time, I'll be lookin' like Jason Momoa or Andy Whitfield (RIP Hero...).

So anyway, just thought I'd update you a bit Blog2 on what's going on. Grah! The road to become a champion is long and arduous! But feels good everyday!

Take it easy blog2.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back on board.

Hey Blog 2,

So, I know it's been awhile since I've last updated. I've been a little busy with stuff, Senior Project, juggling life. Things like that, which have kept me from really coming around and updating how things are going. I should say that I went you before I went to blog 2, just thought I'd let you know. But that in no way means you're more special, you're probably just more interesting to visit than Blog for others.

So at any rate, I've gotten back on the wagon for working out. I've come down to about 200 pounds while I've been gone from you Blog 2. Which, I can blame LARP for that because it provides a really good cardio workout for an entire weekend. I've also been doing push-ups, pull-ups, and elevated crunches in the morning, day, and night. This has built quite a bit of muscle tone in my shoulders and chest. I've got PECKS! WHOA!

So at any rate, I've started Spartacus again. A friend of mine rekindled my need to get buff and look amazing. I'm on the road to victory, still, it's not like I've stopped. In fact, I just got back from my "In-between Spartacus Lifting/Cardio" workout. I know it's really late, and I should have done it earlier in the day... I like lifting at night because no one is around. So anyway, I'm still doing it.

But I took notice when I was finished, that I've still got a long way to go. I mean, I've lost about 50~60 pounds already, but I still look nowhere near where I can potentially be. There's still a lot of body fat there, and I need to work on getting rid of it with some serious fat burn.

I've got more protein, which is amazing, because that allows me to really do what I need to do. I'm working on a new system that is a little different from before, but not too far off. I'm going to start lifting, yes, lifting. Don't get me wrong though, I'm still going to be doing a lot of fat burning cardio. Here, let me break it down:



Six Mile Jog


Spartacus Workout



Six Mile Jog



Jump Rope



Six Mile Jog





Six Mile Jog (Hopefully, these days are weird)



Jump Rope



Eight Mile Jog




So at any rate, on certain weekends, I'll be doing LARP as well. This should give me pretty good cardio on weekends, which are usually down time. It's going to be tough, but it should be awesome. They provide a lot of movement, and I sweat basically the entire weekend when I go out and do it. So it should help a lot.

Well, I'll update you soon Blog 2, I know I've said that in the past, but I'm for reals this time.

Oh, and a final note...

Bestie (I'm going to call her that for now), thinks I can't get an butt like Jason Momoa, so I'm going to try and prove her wrong. I've got a long way to go... my butt is nothing to brag about right now...

Wish me luck Blog 2!