Hey Blog!
Err, well, this is blog two I suppose. But it's really just the same blog, but at any rate... this blog will be for a different reason. For this blog, "Gunning for One-Sixty", I'm going to use it to depict some of the cool things I do while I go for my goal of losing seventy-five pounds by summer. So I'll be talking a lot about the things I do fitness wise, as well as use this blog to talk about the travels I might embark on. So, this blog, will probably have some more pictures than the other one will. The other one is a bit more of a personal journal thing, and this one is more of a... memoirs of my adventures thing... if that makes any sense?
So, I think I'm going to go on with this one and get it moving. So first off, I currently weigh 235 pounds. I look rather bulky, because I made the mistake of building muscle before burning off fat. My starting weight was 250 pounds, which I've managed to cut down significantly over the past several weeks. I've been getting more and more progressive with the types of work out I do everyday (although this week there's been a lot of rain... so I've been a little stuck on my jogs, and I hate treadmills).
On a typical week I will run every night, starting with Sunday, a total of four miles. Everyday, I try to get in about five miles on my bicycle, and occasionally I'll go further to reach a destination. The other day, I rode ten-point-four miles to get to Best Buy at Union Landing to get a pair of headphones. Meanwhile, I try to do as many body-weight workouts as possible after I do those runs. On Thursdays, I do an extra two miles because I usually drive home on Fridays and tend to miss out on doing a jog on that night, I also miss out on my jog on Wednesdays... but that's because I'm doing some stuff with friends.
At any rate, here's a more visual breakdown of what I'll be doing for the next several months (This will change over time so my body doesn't get routine with it).
Four mile jog
250 Crunches (50 reps, 5 sets)
50 Mix Crunches (Other types of crunches)
3x 30 second Side planks.
3x 60 second Straight planks.
75 Mountain Climbers (25 reps, 3 sets)
30 Squat thrusts (10 reps, 3 sets)
Stretching in the morning and throughout the day.
30 Push-ups in the morning.
Five mile bicycle ride around mid-day.
Four mile jog at night.
250 Crunches (50 reps, 5 sets)
50 Mix Crunches (Other types of crunches)
3x 30 second Side planks.
3x 60 second Straight planks.
75 Mountain Climbers (25 reps, 3 sets)
30 Squat thrusts (10 reps, 3 sets)
Stretching in the morning and throughout the day.
Five mile bicycle ride about mid-day.
Four mile jog at night.
250 Crunches (50 reps, 5 sets)
50 Mix Crunches (Other types of crunches)
3x 30 second Side planks.
3x 60 second Straight planks.
75 Mountain Climbers (25 reps, 3 sets)
30 Squat thrusts (10 reps, 3 sets)
Stretching in the morning, throughout the day.
30 Push-ups in the morning.
Eat healthy, and take a day to rest.
Stretching in the morning and throughout the day.
Five mile bicycle ride about mid-day.
Six mile jog at night.
250 Crunches (50 reps, 5 sets)
50 Mix Crunches (Other types of crunches)
3x 30 second Side planks.
3x 60 second Straight planks.
75 Mountain Climbers (25 reps, 3 sets)
30 Squat thrusts (10 reps, 3 sets)
Stretching in the morning and throughout the day.
30 Push-ups in the morning.
Five mile bicycle ride about mid-day.
Stretching in the morning and throughout the day.
Misc. Distance bicycle ride about mid-day (Most likely, might even do this with my sister).
End better visual here!
So anyway, I'll be doing a lot of exercising in the next several months. Lots of drinking water, lots of eating right. I'm working on a nutritional plan, but it's a little tough to accomplish when you live off of dormitory food. But, I think I can manage with this pretty well.
So anyway, I think that's quite a bit for the first post on my new Fitness blog. Take it easy blog!
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